Vestige Detox Foot Patches help to absorb toxins from the body while sleeping. Everyday approximately 400 toxins invade our body in the form of food, water, air, alcohol, medicines and tobacco, etc. It took Japanese scientists over 24 years of research to develop this technology. Vestige Detox Foot Patches is a product that helps to remove heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucus, chemicals and much more from the body in a natural way. According to Chinese medical knowledge, our body has over 360 acupuncture points, with more than 60 acupuncture points found on the soles of the feet. It is known as the “second heart” on account of pumping action that occurs whenever a person walks, which lifts the blood up again to the heart by applying pressure. If you neglect taking care of the soles of your feet, then the toxins get deposited and build up in the body. Exposure to toxins also results in sickness, susceptibility to allergies, frequent mood swings, stress, tension, lowered immunity and weight gain.