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about cleaning
Plan your home cleaning schedule
Keeping your home healthy will keep you healthy. Prevent illness before it starts spreading by adopting few easy hygienic cleaning practices on a daily basis. Germ spread can thrive on every surface such as floors, doorknobs, handrails, etc, within 24 hours, which gives us a cleaning period window of a day. Germs not only affect the hard surfaces but also soft surfaces such as furniture fabric, curtains, and beddings within 20 minutes. If we follow a strict cleaning regime we can easily get rid of these germs and protect our family.
We can make a to-do list of every possible area of the house that requires cleaning and determine the frequency required for the task.

So from where should we start?
- Sweep and mop the floors (all rooms including kitchen and bathroom).
- Empty garbage to a designated area in your locality.
- Wipe clean the countertops and gas stoves.
- Wash dishes and cooking utensils after each meal.
- Clean the kitchen sink.
- Dust furniture and tables.
Once a week
- Clean every kitchen appliance from inside and out.
- Scrub the toilets, baths, showers and sinks.
- Clean all the mirrors.
- Remove dust from light fixtures, ceiling fans and shelves.
- Change bed linen.
- Do the laundry
- Vacuum / Brush clean the carpets, curtains and fabric furniture
- Clean the inner side of the oven.
- Clean the fridge and throw out all rotten food.
- Thoroughly clean countertop appliances.
- Wash furniture fabric covers.
- Wash quilts and quilt covers.
- Expose mattresses, pillows and cushions in the sun for few hours.
- Wash the windows.
- Get rid of cobwebs from ceiling.
*It is important to remember that it may be necessary to do some cleaning tasks more often than is suggested in the timetable. This is because there are times when parts of the house get much dirtier than usual.
10 Most unexpected hide outs for germs at home
Germs can be found in the healthiest homes. No matter how hard we try to throw every germ out of our porch, we still end up getting sick. That is mostly because we miss out on the main areas that we had to focus on while cleaning. Some are the most obvious places for germs and some are not so obvious ones, but with the right insight and the right products, you can tackle any of these dirty surfaces.

Unless you have automatic tap and you don’t have to worry about touching its surface you’re going to touch the handles at least twice – once when your hands are dirty, and again when your hands are clean after rubbing the soap. A lot of time is spent around the kitchen washing utensils or food while preparing meals. You should remember to clean the countertops and basin with disinfectant liquids every time you are done and wipe it with a clean cloth. Basin is an attractive breeding spot for germs remember to keep an all-purpose cleaner under the basin to wipe of the counter and the tap after every use. Spray Hyvest Ultra Shield and wipe after three minutes twice a month on taps and showers to prevent microbial growth.
Door knobs, handles and switches
No one thinks of washing their hands before touching a handle or an electric switch, so these become dirty without coming under your scanner. Try not to forget them when dusting or cleaning furniture. To prevent bacterial growth on such hideouts spray Hyvest Ultra Shield and wipe after three minutes twice a month. Beware of electric plug holes and refrain from spraying inside them with switches on. Use a soaked cotton with a non-conductor pincer to clean them with the power switch off.
Dirt on top of higher placed furniture and cupboards
The front of cupboards is wipe cleaned every day, but have you ever looked at the cupboard tops? Chances are these haven’t been cleaned in years, and may have collected a lot of mess. These places are away from your eyes making them the least attended ones. Don’t forget to sweep the top of higher placed furniture, or they would turn into cobweb haven.
Dirty baths
A hot bath is both relaxing and cleansing, but even when the water goes down the drain the dirt sticks to the surface of the bath. Try wiping the bath clean with a bathroom cleaner after each soak. This will remove stagnant dirt and grime but remember to rinse the bath after cleaning otherwise the dirt won’t be drained off. Don’t forget to treat your bath with Hyvest Ultra Shield or Hyvest Ultra Guard twice a month to keep bacterial and mold away.
Messy fridge
Spilt drinks, sticky treats, and old snacks mean that cleaning the interior of the fridge is just as important as cleaning the exterior. Rotten food is the most attractive breeding ground for all types of bacteria. Make fridge cleaning an essential part of your cleaning schedule. Use hot water and an all-purpose cleaning solution to clean up the messy spills. Follow with a spray of Hyvest Ultra Shield for long term protection. Remember to remove the items from the fridge before cleaning, and wipe the surface with a clean cloth before returning the items to the fridge.
Kitchen sinks
Due to left out food particles and moisture, the kitchen sink can be one of the dirtiest places in the house. Use a strong dishwashing liquid like Hyvest Ultra Scrub (undiluted) to get rid of, and prevent grime from building up in the sink. Remember to use different scrubs for cleaning the sink and the utensils as this can cause the transfer of germs to your dishes. Use Hyvest Ultra Shield twice a month to protect the sink from bacterial and fungal growth.
You may not realise it, but every time you flush, micro particles splash out and spread around the toilet. Your comb, your shaving razor, or even your toothbrushes are often in range of that germ spread. Make sure you close the lid before flushing to prevent spreading toilet germs. Also it makes the cleaning of the toilet a part of your daily routine. Don’t forget to treat with Hyvest Ultra Guard twice a month to keep bacteria and mold away.
TV / AC remote
After a long day, there’s nothing better than sitting back, relaxing and watching a show with the family in an air conditioned room. But do we think about washing our hands before touching the remote every time? Not really, which makes everything you touched throughout the day landing on your remote. You cannot wash your hands all the time but you can clean the remote. Try getting in the habit of wiping the remote with a paper towel every day. To prevent bacterial growth, spray Hyvest Ultra Shield and wipe using dry cloth after three minutes.
Unwanted leftovers
While cooking, food particles are often spilt, crumbs tumble onto the floor, and you often leave something behind that you never notice. To keep your hygiene routine, you should clean your stove by pulling it away from the wall, and then look behind it, you will find traces of the meals that you have cooked. After sweeping the area to remove dirt, use a kitchen cleaner or diluted Hyvest Ultra Swab to wipe clean the surface with using a kitchen towel. Treat the kitchen surface with Hyvest Ultra Shield twice a month to prevent unwanted microbial growth.
Toothbrush cup
The most unexpected dirty place in the house where germs hide is inside the toothbrush cup or holder. Spray from toilets, dirt from hands, and drips from just-used toothbrushes tend to collect at the bottom. Wash the cup with Hyvest Ultra Scrub or leave the soapy solution in the cup overnight and give it a scrub in the morning to make sure the germs don’t find any place to hide there.
Stains on your favourite dress? Let’s remove it
Stains on clothes and furniture fabric can be frustrating, but don’t get rid of stained clothes just get rid of common stains from your clothes by using the tips given below -
Colour stains
If the colour of one garment is leached out and has turned into a stain for another garment then you can use oxygen bleach and white vinegar. After that you can use a colour restoring detergent like Hyvest Ultra Wash or Hyvest Ultra Matic for continuous care.
Blood stains
If you are dealing with a blood stain that dried, thoroughly rinse the spot with cold water. Rub the area with soap (you can use Assure Soap) and then let it soak for 30 minutes in a solution of salt and water. Proceed to wash normally with Hyvest Ultra Matic.
Tea/Coffee stains
Rinse it immediately with hot water, then soak for few minutes, dab with a cotton or blotting cloth. Pre-treat the stain with Hyvest Ultra Wash or a solution made of Hyvest Ultra Matic and wash as usual.

Freeze the spot and when it hardens scrape off as much as possible. Then soak in water for few minutes. Pre-treat the stain with white vinegar then wash it with Hyvest Ultra Wash or Hyvest Ultra Matic as usual.
Red wine
Place a paper towel below the stain to help it absorb the entire liquid. In case it is a very large stain put salt on the paper before spreading the fabric on the top. Then add another layer of salt on the top. Leave it for 10 minutes to do its work and then rinse it off with club soda followed by usual washing.
Mud stain
As the mud dries, brush it off as soon as possible. Mix a detergent like Hyvest Ultra Matic and some water to rub on the fabric creating suds. In case there are any stains left use one part of white vinegar and one part of water.
Ink stain
Apply non-gel toothpaste on the stained portion and then wash it with water. If that doesn’t work, then try soaking the stained portion of the cloth in alcohol for a few minutes before washing the garment. You can also use a nail polish remover to dab the stain with cotton ball to absorb the stain. Wash as usual.
Ketchup/Tomato-based food items
Whenever possible rinse under cold running water right away. Soak garment in warm water and dab the spot with a sponge that has been coated with dishwashing soap. Pre-treat the stain with Hyvest Ultra Wash and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Use diluted white vinegar to remove any remaining colour. Wash as usual using Hyvest Ultra Matic.

Remove any loose chocolate, and dab with a paper towel to remove the stain as much as possible. Pre-treat the stain with a solution of Hyvest Ultra Matic and let it sit for 10 minutes before washing as usual. For better results rub with club soda until the stain disappears.
Wash as soon as possible! Place fabric in cold water for 5-10 minutes, and if that doesn’t work, rub detergent on the stained area and soak in room-temperature water for half hour. Gently rub the stained area between your fingers every few minutes. Pre-treat the stain with Hyvest Ultra Wash, and let it stay for up to 10 minutes. Repetition might be necessary.
Stains should be tackled as soon as possible as fresh stains are easier to remove than the old ones. It sometimes takes more than one round of treatment to completely get rid of a stain.
Germ-free floors
Floor is one part of the cleaning schedule which cannot be avoided even for a day. All the dust on your shoes stays on your floors and if something spills then it definitely needs immediate attention. Floors are a part of every action that happens inside your house. It is where the kids play and families gather, Hyvest Ultra Swab makes sure the floor of your house is germ-free.
Vinyl floors
Vinyl floors are easy to maintain and clean. The moment anything spills on the floor, use a mop to wipe the area. Use a neutral floor cleaner to mop the surface. In case the wiping leaves marks on the floor you can mop again with white vinegar and water. This will bring sheen to the floor. Never pour water on the floor directly as it will loosen the surface and the vinyl will detach from the surface below.

Ceramic floors
In case of ceramic floors, the grout lines are the main thing that one needs to watch. These are man-made tiles; they are baked and painted so soils do not penetrate inside the tiles. Do not use any kind of abrasive scrubber on ceramic floors as it will scratch the floor. Use a damp mop and a neutral floor cleaner to clean the floor. Use normal cotton mops or micro fibre mops for best results.

Marble floors
Marble floors can be found in most of the homes as are marble bathroom walls and marble counter tops. Unpolished marble is porous and tends to stain very easily. That is why you should use a sealer made for this type of flooring. Polished marble flooring is not as porous, but it still can get stained. So get your polished marble floor sealed as well. Mix a neutral cleaning liquid into warm water and use this solution to mop the floor. Make sure that the mop is damp and not dripping wet.

Wooden floors
Wood floors demands maintenance. Care of wooden floor would depend on the kind of sealant used on the floor. Some use varnish or lacquer, others use polyurethane. Polyurethane makes the life of the floor longer and demands relatively less maintenance. For floors with lacquer or varnish on it, use solvent-based cleaners and polish to maintain the floor, never use water unless treated with polyurethane. If the wooden floor has been treated with polyurethane, use a damp mop to clean the surface with a cleaning solution. Sweep away loose debris and dirt. This will keep your wooden floor sparkling clean.

Carpeted floors
Carpeted floors are best cleaned using a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum the floor everyday using the carpet brush attachment for best results. For specific stains, use damp white cotton towel to soak the stain first and then gently wipe clean the stain. For tough stain place a damp white towel soaked in a delicate laundry detergent (especially designed for woollen clothes) for some time and wipe clean the area several times with water. Never use a brush to remove stains as it can damage the fibres of the carpet. Weekly or monthly sanitise your carpet by applying steam or sanitising solution.

*If you are uncertain whether the product can be used on your floor type, always test first by using the product on a smaller area of the floor. Take extra caution when floors are wet, as they will be slippery. Keep all cleaning liquids and solutions out of the reach of children.
How to clean Windows, Glass & Mirrors
Dirt forms a coating on glass windows and mirrors easily, even if you clean them too often. Moreover, in spite of all the meticulous cleaning, the glass does not seem sparkling clean because of the fabric streaks and lint.
Cleaning windows seems like a pretty straightforward job. Let’s figure out how to use the strength of a glass cleaner and a lot of intelligence to get bright, sparkling clean windows with less effort.
Begin by wiping the area of any loose debris like lint or dust. Use only a lint-free microfibre cloth or crumpled up newspaper (only sections in black and white) for a sparkling and streak free finish. When combined with Hyvest Ultra Shine, the oils from newspaper can leave your windows and mirrors with a brilliant shine.

Clean the windows inside out for best results. Start by horizontal strokes on the interior and vertical ones on the exterior, that way it is easy to spot any smearing on the glass and touch ups can be done, making your job easier. Mirrors in bathrooms especially, tend to accumulate an unsightly layer of toothpaste, hairspray, or other bathroom products and even water marks. This can be even worse if you have hard water that causes calcium or lime to build up.
Pre-treating Stains and cleaning mirrors
- Assess the condition of your mirror
- Gather your mirror cleaning materials - a mug, cotton / lint free microfibre cleaning rag, water, Hyvest Ultra Shine
- Dilute your mirror cleaner and dip the half cloth into the solution
- Wipe the mirror first with the wet part of the cloth followed by dry part
- Pre-treat thick build up and trouble spots using vinegar (found in your kitchen)
- Wipe clean over tough stains using the dry part once again
- Change your viewing angle to verify cleanliness

Different Stains on mirrors and ways to get rid of it:
Water Stains
Usually, on bathroom mirrors, you are only dealing with built-up water stains, which are mineral deposits left behind after water splash. To break down those minerals, just use diluted Hyvest Ultra Shine for a sparkling clean, streak free finish. Use it with a microfibre cloth to get rid of streaks left.
On exterior windows or sliding doors, you’re dealing with a bit of dirt and dust (or tiny greasy hand prints). Use diluted Hyvest Ultra Shine in a spray bottle for everyday cleaning.
Dried food / curry stains
Pre-treat the stain by spraying undiluted Hyvest Ultra Shine and leave it for some time. Use a lint-free cloth to scrub the pre-treated surface with the diluted Hyvest Ultra Shine liquid. Wipe clean the surface once again with a dried micro-fibre cloth for a sparkling clean finish.
How to clean different types of countertops
Ceramic countertops portray a very clean and classic look but it easily loses its lustre if neglected for long. Try using diluted Hyvest Ultra Shine, Hyvest Ultra Swab or Hyvest Ultra Shield, depending on the countertop’s location, to make the ceramic sparkle. To protect the surface from microbial growth, treat any hard or soft surface at least twice a month with Hyvest Ultra Shield.

Granite countertops are commonly found in every kitchen and it is important to keep them clean. Wipe the granite countertop regularly with mix of warm water and Hyvest Ultra Shine. Don’t forget to rinse it well to avoid streaks.
To prevent your granite from getting old you need to make sure that the surface is layered with a sealant. If you want to check whether your granite is properly sealed, you can splash some water on its surface. If the granite absorbs the water rather than causing it to float, it is not properly sealed.
Having a few coasters is also a good idea. The acid in coffee, fruit juice and other common beverages can create deep scratches on the counter’s surface.
To protect the surface from microbial growth, treat any hard or soft surface at least twice a month with Hyvest Ultra Shield.

Laminated counters are very easy to maintain and are also good for robust handling, like preparing school lunches on the go and a quick dinner in a rush. As long as a cutting board is used, normal cleaning should keep the countertop looking great. The easiest way to wipe away oily spills is with a kitchen towel dipped in a diluted solution of Hyvest Ultra Swab.
To protect the surface from microbial growth, treat any hard or soft surface at least twice a month with Hyvest Ultra Shield.

Marble countertops keep food items cool which makes it a great material for families who like to have fun and bake together. But just like granite, marble countertops require a seal, and without proper sealing, these countertops will soak up stains that would stay for long. For daily cleansing use wet kitchen towel for cleaning and for tough stains treat with undiluted Hyvest Ultra Swab for few moments and wipe clean the surface.
To protect the surface from microbial growth, treat any hard or soft surface at least twice a month with Hyvest Ultra Shield.

Stainless Steel
The biggest concern with stainless steel countertops is, that they smudge and leave hand prints just by touching. Stainless steel countertops may require daily maintenance with soap and water to keep them sparkling. Use diluted Hyvest Ultra Scrub for a sparkling sink and countertop made of stainless steel. To protect the surface from microbial growth, treat any hard or soft surface at least twice a month with Hyvest Ultra Shield.